Food, Family, Fun, and a Book Signing

This week we had a pretty full schedule. We had twenty six people for Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday, followed by our awesome niece's birthday party Friday, then a really lovely baby shower for my wonderful sister in law on Saturday.

Seems like no big deal, a normal all-the-family-is-in-town-so-let's-do-it-all-at-once kind of event. Everybody has these times in their family. Unfortunately, I have missed so many of these times. Until last year, when my doctor put me on Plaquenil, I wouldn't have been able to handle three functions in a row.

In fact, this year was the first Thanksgiving in three years I haven't been too sick to eat with the family and it was damn good, baby! I was able to get everything cleaned on time and we had a delicious dinner courtesy of my husband and our family.

I have so many things to be thankful for this year and I really don't have time to list them all, but rest assured you are probably on that list if you're reading this. Thanks to all of you for all the support and encouragement you've given me over the years.

Which brings me to something else I'm thankful for. I'm going to be doing a book signing during Ortonville's Christmas Festival. Come on down, enjoy the festival, and visit me at Thompson's Hardware, 30 South Street, Ortonville, Michigan (MI) from 1-4pm EST.

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