
Scares That Care, She's a Hugger, Dickshark, and a Memorial for an Amazing Lady.

Scares That Care was this past weekend and I finally got the chance to thaw out in the beautiful Virginia heat. (It was 107°F and it was glorious.) I was lucky enough to help run the Devil Dog table so we started the weekend by driving up and kidnapping my beautiful blue haired sister, Suzi Madron, from Pennsylvania and headed out for fun, and a weekend away from the kids. FREEDOM!!! (I jest, kind of.) The first person we met was Tim Majka (a new awesome author Devil Dog Press has picked up) and it was like meeting family. He fit right in with our brand of crazy. I think that's the thing I love most about DDP, we are very much a family. The folks I was most excited to meet for the first time IRL were (besides Tim) my brother Jack Wallen, Brent Abell (BC4L), Jeffrey Clare and Shannon Walters (congrats, you guys!), Meghan Hyden, Eric and Linda Shelman, Sheila Shedd, Pheebz Jackson, Joan Macleod, Anne Ellet, Ashley Wright, James Wallace, Christina Hargis Smith, James Dean, John...

Emerian Rich Talks Clockwork Wonderland

Today I turn my blog over to the lovely and talented Emerian Rich who is here to talk about her latest release! Without further ado, Press presents… Clockwork Wonderland . Clockwork Wonderland contains stories from authors that see Wonderland as a place of horror where anything can happen and time runs amok. In this book you’ll find tales of murderous clockworks, insane creations, serial killers, zombies, and a blood thirsty jabberclocky. Prepare to see Wonderland as a place where all your worst nightmares come true. You may never look at classic children’s literature the same way again. Edited by Emerian Rich Cover by Carmen Masloski Featuring authors: Trinity Adler Ezra Barany Jaap Boekestein Dustin Coffman Stephanie Ellis Jonathan Fortin Laurel Anne Hill N. McGuire Jeremy Megargee James Pyne Michele Roger H.E. Roulo Sumiko Saulson K.L. Wallis With Foreword by David Watson URL: Excerpt...

Fun with Flash Fiction

The amazingly talented and super kind Nina D'Arcangela has been doing a flash fiction project that has helped feed my fun in writing. She sends an image and we write a piece of flash inspired by the picture. I've really been enjoying it. I've been inspired to use this sort of flash on rough days to get my creativity flowing again. If I'm feeling blocked I'll find an image that sparks something in me and write a short 300-500 words just to get the mojo flowing. (Bless you, Nina!) Below is the image I used today and the story I created from it. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. This is Michigan Central Station in Detroit Ghostly Passengers Jaime Johnesee The dilapidated halls echo in disconcerting ways and as I move through the ruins of the once grand Michigan Central Station I can almost hear the whispers of boarding calls from days long past.  A rat or cat, I can't tell which, runs by, startled by my presence.  ...

Don't let your empathy atrophy

I know there's a lot of upset and anger going around so many places about so many things right now. I've seen some mostly calm people get heated and lose their temper at all manner of ills. I've also seen many volcanoes erupt. It's been a rough end to a rough year. Sometimes, when we are upset or angry about something we tend to forget that the people we are talking with also have feelings and that their opinions (even the wrong ones 😁) are just as valid as our own. We forget that because we don't see their faces when we call them Asshats (or hosers). We don't see the hurt that our words cause, we only get that rush of having the wittier comeback or the better meme. Occasionally we humans get so angry at that Super Wrong Asshat online we can forget that Super Wrong might actually be a decent guy. We don't look at the fact that we just see things differently on an issue or a few. We see it as they have attacked our whole person and, someti...

Get Freaked Out with Lori Safranek

Today, I turn my blog over to a friend and author I enjoy reading; Lori Safranek. I love this series and the collection is one I am itching to hold in my hands. Sit back and enjoy this little taste of what's to come under the big top. As the tents go up and another side show prepares to open, images of the strange and exotic swirl through our minds. Posters give us a preview of a man swallowing sharp swords, throwing knives at a woman tied on a spinning wheel! A woman charming snakes to do as she commands! Watch the world’s fattest woman strut the stage, showing off her gorgeous 500-pound body with pride. Catch a glimpse of a hypnotist who wants to invade your brain and take over your life! And look over there! A tattooed man, whose tattoos fade away, and then randomly reappear somewhere else on his body! And last but not least, there’s a contortionist whose body twists and turns and ultimately fits inside a small box! Keep walking forward, past all the posters and take y...

Christine Verstraete and Lizzie Borden, Zombie Hunter!

Today Christine Verstraete takes over my blog to talk about her new release!  12 Questions for Lizzie Borden By Christine Verstraete Vogue Magazine has an interesting question-answer format it does called 73 Questions where it asks celebrities the questions on video, while giving a glimpse of their home. The latest was Taylor Swift . So I thought I’d try it out—but with a twist based on the upcoming release Sept. 13 (or pre-order now!) of my latest book, Lizzie Borden, Zombie Hunter by C.A. Verstraete .Ironically, Lizzie is portrayed during her 1893 trial for murder as far from a fashion doyenne, with one newspaper even calling her “a plain old maid.” (No matter what, that had to hurt.) Outside of a few letters obtained by the Fall River, Mass. Historical Society in recent years and the still-enduring skipping rope rhyme that Lizzie Borden took an axe… , mystery still surrounds the real persona of Lizzie Borden....

The time the gator got out.

I started my career as a zookeeper while I was in my early teens. I began working for a little company that took exotic animals out to schools to teach kids about them. Those of us who stayed at the company office and took care of the animals were called keepers and the ones who took them to the schools were known as interpreters. My interview for the internship at Mobile Zoo. Best interview ever. Has nothing at all to do with this story, but look, a lion cub. Aw.       One day one of the interpreters decided to pick up some extra hours as a keeper. She was a sweet woman and a really great teacher, but she was unaware of the animals personalities and quirks. Like Big Al's penchant for escape. She only learned of his Houdini-like prowess when she'd opened the top of the alligator tank and he took off like a dragon. He wound up running into the mammal room and curling up underneath the Jerboa cage, tail ready to thrash and mouth open. I entered the scene to find t...