Emerian Rich Talks Clockwork Wonderland

Today I turn my blog over to the lovely and talented Emerian Rich who is here to talk about her latest release! Without further ado, HorrorAddicts.net Press presents… Clockwork Wonderland . Clockwork Wonderland contains stories from authors that see Wonderland as a place of horror where anything can happen and time runs amok. In this book you’ll find tales of murderous clockworks, insane creations, serial killers, zombies, and a blood thirsty jabberclocky. Prepare to see Wonderland as a place where all your worst nightmares come true. You may never look at classic children’s literature the same way again. Edited by Emerian Rich Cover by Carmen Masloski Featuring authors: Trinity Adler Ezra Barany Jaap Boekestein Dustin Coffman Stephanie Ellis Jonathan Fortin Laurel Anne Hill N. McGuire Jeremy Megargee James Pyne Michele Roger H.E. Roulo Sumiko Saulson K.L. Wallis With Foreword by David Watson URL: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1544785518 Excerpt...