An Interview with C.W. LaSart

My guest today is one of the coolest folks I know. She's been a good friend and, frankly, a damned good author. Please welcome C.W. LaSart to my blog. C.W. LaSart (Left) and Robert McCammon at World Horror Con 2013 JJ: When did you start writing? C.W.: I started writing as soon as I was able to write. I didn’t take it serious until just a few years ago, but there were very few times when I wasn’t writing something. JJ: What was the first story you remember writing? C.W.: It would have to be a terrible little chapbook I made in the second or third grade. A blatant case of plagiarism, my Mother still treasured it. She may even still have it. JJ: What genre is your most preferred? C.W.: I prefer both reading and writing horror. I read a little fantasy from time to time, but horror is my main genre for both. JJ: What challenges you the most in your writing? C.W.: Adopting a schedule. I am a very fast writer, but I am al...